Monday, February 9, 2015

"I'll Have a Tall Flat White and a Chocolate Croissant"

In contradiction to my "late starts are a common MO," I brushed off the cobwebs on the alarm clock and set it for 7:30. We were informed that cars would need to be moved early due to maintenance crews cleaning carports. I thought the recent windy downpour might make their job unnecessary, but the storm only matted the trash down into the crevices. 

As usual I had stayed up late again, but still was able to get up, even though one eye was difficult to open up and focus. It was, however, well worth getting up early to witness such a beautiful wintery morning, bright with cloudless blue skies all around. A memory flashed in my mind of all the winter mornings getting into the car and heading off to work...a chill ran over my spine.

Turning on the engine, a familiar voice came over the radio; KNBR's Mike Krukow was talking about the SF Giants and the upcoming baseball season. I breathed a sigh of relief, spring is nearing, and I didn't want to get out of the car, so I motioned for Manuel to pop in and keep me company.

How 'bout going for a coffee...McMuffin? I did get up early...I "deserve a break today." So we headed off into the morning rush hour for a morning treat. At I-5 and Ben Holt Starbucks and McDonalds share hordes of morning coffee lovers, and although the drive-thru provides convenience, they were crowded. So, we decided to go inside the newest Starbucks.

I love coffee shops; walking in enveloped by the aroma of brewing coffee with a hint of croissant. It is a more inviting place than the Lincoln Center Starbucks; its size allows for a few little tables with an offering of WiFi and a wide variety of treats to accompany any coffee style you desire. All they needed was a more "pajama friendly" environment...big comfy chairs, Downton Abbey reruns.

Sincerely, Kathleen

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