Sunday, February 8, 2015

Are You Gonna Stay Like That All Day?

How long is too long to stay in your pajamas?

Eight months into retirement continues to leave me searching for a relaxing, albeit productive, daily schedule. The alarm clock has long since been covered in cobwebs, and I have become hooked on late night television. Without a bedtime I have been greeting the midnight morning several times a week, and without the alarm clock my mornings don't really get started til 8:30...9:00? Friday's dreary sky and Manuel making little noise caused me to slumber comfortably until 9:30. 

With a, working people might say late, start I got up to have my morning K-cup of Joe and blueberry scone, and wrapped warmly in my robe, I sat down to catch up with the outside world by watching CNN, ESPN, MLB Network now that baseball season is on the verge. I am comfortable!

I check and file emails; make note of any sales or specials announced by my favorite online .coms; send off replies and messages to keep in touch with family and friends; pour another K-cup...another scone? Talk at the news anchor who just said something stupid; debate top stories with Manuel; "like" Facebook posts, review Twitter; plan my next move on Words With Friends; start the laundry...the dishwasher; do my nails, give myself a facial. I am comfortable with no problems and nothing on the "to do" list. Another cup...What? It's  noon? Yes, I am still in my pajamas...

Comfort is a personal thing. It could be your favorite sweatpants/sweatshirt, old jeans/flannel shirt, pull-ons/t-shirt, silky nightgown and fluffy terry cloth robe. 

So, how long is too long to still be in your pajamas? My rule is...If you are going out of the house to run errands, meeting the girls for lunch...put on your bra and change into real clothes.

Next question, when is too early to get into your pajamas? It is real tempting when the sun goes down.

Sincerely, Kathleen

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