Friday, July 10, 2015

"Cozy Mysteries...Like a Box of Chocolates."

Do you know the feeling you get when you walk into a candy shop and the aroma of chocolate is so overpowering you feel weak in the knees? The different combinations are so numerous that you can't make a decision? You might even compromise by opting for a two-pound box of chocolate-covered cherries, toffee crunch, peanut butter cream to satisfy your cravings all at one time. Well, that's the wonderful frustration I'm experiencing since I discovered cozy mysteries. My two-pound...twenty-pound box of cozies is full of delicious stories, characters, adventures, and recipes, but I feel like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory. Every day I find there is another wonderful book to read, another series in which I can get involved... then another... and another... and another...

Mysteries have always been my "candy shop," and cozy mysteries my "sweet." My sweet tooth first developed when I became a fan of Nancy Drew with The Secret of the Old Clock was my first introduction to the genre. I couldn't wait for Fridays when the Bookmobile arrived at our school, and I could check out another adventure; the librarian always made sure she had another book ready for me. I loved sitting in my dad's big chair picturing myself in the lead trying to determine the answer to the mystery before the last page. In sixth grade I even tried to pen my own "cozy." The Secret Behind the Eight Ball by Kathy Fowler was a hit with my Language Arts teacher. I tried to produce it as a "Show and Tell" play, but I struggled to write, direct, and star in the production.

While enjoying Hallmark Channel's Christmas and detective movies, I discovered that many of the stories were based on cozy books. I took to exploring iBook and Kindle apps discovering thousands of cozy mysteries. I began judging book covers and reading synopses finding two very intriguing books. It was at that point I became a cozy-holic. Spying in High Heels by Gemma Halliday and On What Grounds by Cleo Coyle would be the first of many "sweets" in my box. Facebook, iBook, and the Kindle app have become invaluable as I "Like," "Friend," and "Follow" various authors and bloggers, sign up for several newsletters and email alerts, and join cozy reading groups. I discovered that many of my favorite authors are often responsible for their own PR promotions offering giveaways, prizes, fun videoes, and Facebook events to connect with readers. Over the past few months they have connected with me! And in return I've been a very lucky recipient of several giveaway books and prizes as well as building a fun and inspiring texting relationship.

Join me by leaving a comment. What are the "sweets" in your box? Are you an "...holic"? 
Sincerely, Kathleen

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